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Department of History

Incoming students

Welcome to Zurich!

Welcome to the Department of History at the University of Zurich. With around 100 researchers offering courses on BA and MA level, we are the biggest History Department in Switzerland. At our Department you have ample opportunities to choose classes and events in the fields of Ancient History, Medieval History, andModern History (Early Modern Period to 21st century). Take a look at our compelling regional foci: Our teaching staff have expertise in Swiss and European History, as well as in the History of Asia, Africa, and America. Apart from the Master’s Degree in History, we also offer distinctive Master programmes in Economic History, Contemporary History, and Eastern European History

Course catalogue
The University of Zurich is a brick-and-mortar university. On our website you find detailed information on all courses the Department currently offers. Click on any course and you will receive specific information about the content, performance requirements, and deadlines of the individual course. For information on course times and class rooms, please visit the online course catalogue. If you have questions concerning a specific course, you can contact the instructor directly.

Plan your exchange
The University of Zurich has a spring semester (February–July) and an autumn semester (August–January), specific semester dates. Ouronline course catalogue will be published four months in advance. If you would like to get more information about our courses prior to catalogue publication, please contact the Advisor of Studies. Two-semester modules Lectures and colloquia conclude after one semester. Seminars continue for one additional semester: In the first semester you take the seminar course as in-person sessions. In the second semester you will write your seminar paper. It is possible to write the seminar paper simultaneously during the first semester. In order to do so, please contact the course instructor as early as possible. Guest students can also extend their exchange trip administratively to two semesters and write the seminar paper in the second semester—even if you already back at your home university. For arranging such an extension, please contact our Advisor of Studies and the relevant office at your home university upfront.

Courses in English
Most courses at the Department of History will be held in German, but there are also around 5–8 courses in English each semester. These could be lectures, seminars, and colloquia. You will find the courses in English from the latest semesters in the online course catalogue. If you would like to know who is also teaching in English, please contact the Advisor of Studies.

Records of Achievement
Courses can be booked online via the course catalogue. At the end of the term exchange students will receive a Transcript of Records automatically. You can hand in the Transcript of Records at your home university in order to have your achievements recognized.

Further questions?
Are you interested in joining us and have more questions? Please contact our mobility coordinator. We look forward to your query and are happy to assist you while planning your exchange at the Department of History of the University of Zurich. The Global Student Experience offers you general information about an exchange stay at the University of Zurich.

More information for guest students in English:
Study history in Zurich
Academic Programmes

Weiterführende Informationen

Advisor of Studies and International Mobility

Dr. Ruben Hackler
University of Zurich
Department of History
Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4
Office KO2 H 358
CH-8006 Zurich

Phone +41 44 634 39 72

Contact form
Book an office hour

More information for incoming students

Please visit the website of UZH's Global Student Experience for more information. We also recommend the page organizational and practical matters which gives you e.g. advice on how to find a flat and organize your uni life.

More info about uni life in general can be found on the pageUZH for students.