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Department of History

Transitioning from studies into a job

A BA in History: Ask questions and gain an overall perspective
The Bachelor’s Degree programmes at the Department of History  give you fundamental knowledge and offer the opportunity to get acquainted with academic questions, methods and theories. These skills enable you to approach information and evaluations systematically and analytically, and to convey complex facts in comprehensively.

An MA in History: Get deeper insight and progress
The Master’s Degree programmes at the Department of History give you the opportunity to expose yourself in-depth with historical research, methods and theories. This enables you to establish an individual profile without narrowing your historical knowledge, or your vocational or academic perspectives, but qualifying you for complex professional tasks.

A doctorate in History: Continue research
If you would like to continue research after your MA and write your doctoral thesis in History, you can get your PhD at the Department of History. The doctorate at the Department of History is embedded into the Graduate School of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. All relevant information is available on the Graduate School’s website.

Teaching diploma
Toteach at lower or upper secondary level is an attractive occupational perspective for students of history. The Department of History provides prospective teachers of lower and upper secondary level (Sekundarstufe I + II, “Gymnasium”) with the fundamentals for teaching history. The pedagogical and subject-didactic education and training will take place at the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PH Zurich, Sekundarstufe I) and at UZH’s Institute of Education (Sekundarstufe II).

“What are you going to do after you graduate?”: job perspectives
Historians work in many different professional fields. They work e.g. in archives, museums and exhibitions, in libraries, documentation centres and publishing houses, or as teachers. Other fields include the media and communications sector, public administration, associations, political parties, or the private sector. To study history enables you to work in a wide range of occupational positions, however, most positions require an MA or additional vocational education.

Improve your career perspectives
Internships and part-time jobs are great opportunities to further qualify and to increase your chances to find a job during or after your studies. Advice on how to get your professional career started is offered by UZH’s Career Services.

Weiterführende Informationen

Advisor of Studies and International Mobility

Dr. Ruben Hackler
University of Zurich
Department of History
Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4
Office KO2 H 358
CH-8006 Zurich

Phone +41 44 634 39 72

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