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Department of History

Bachelor’s Degree

A Bachelor’s degree in history — Ask Questions and Get an Overview

A Bachelor’s degree at the Department of History provides broad knowledge and allows students to become acquainted with the questions, methods, and theories of historical research. Students learn to systemically and analytically confront information and opinions and to communicate complex issues appropriately.


Student Orientation Presentations


The Bachelor’s program is divided into three phases. In the first and second semesters, students will acquire a broad, basic introduction to the field of history. The structure of the program that follows will allow a more in-depth examination of selected topics and theoretical-methodological approaches. In the final phase, the students majoring in history attend a seminar in methods and theory and write a Bachelor’s thesis. At all levels, a student’s individual path and the independent selection of thematic modules are an important component of the program.


Prerequisites for a Bachelor’s degree in the Department of History is a Swiss Matura or a similar credential. Equally as important are the basic interest in the analysis of change processes, the desire to develop questions independently, and the excitement to be in contact with written, spoken, and visual sources.


The Bachelor’s program teaches students to develop independent questions about the past and complete required research papers. Students learn to systematically and analytically deal with information and assessments and also communicate complex contents in written and spoken form appropriately.


Professional Prospects

A Bachelor’s degree opens a wide field of professional activities, but usually only after the consecutive master’s degree or additional special training. Historians work for example, in the culture sector, in the archive and museum field, in libraries, documentation positions, and publishers. Areas of activity also include journalism and media relations. Furthermore, the Bachelor’s degree opens up career prospects in public administration, associations, and political parties, or in the private sector.

Master’s Degree and Teaching Credential

Graduating with a Bachelor’s degree allows a student to enter into a more advanced Master’s Degree program or to pursue a Teaching Credential for Matura students. The Master’s degree and the Teaching Credential can be completed in parallel.


Weiterführende Informationen


Prof. Dr. Marietta Meier

Head of Education and Teaching
University of Zurich
Department of History
Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4
Office KO2 G 270
CH-8006 Zurich


Phone: +41 (0)44 634 41 63


Office hours upon arrangement

Advisor of Studies and International Mobility

Dr. Ruben Hackler
University of Zurich
Department of History
Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4
Office KO2 H 358
CH-8006 Zurich

Phone +41 44 634 39 72

Contact form
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