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Department of History

Notes on student life

students with banners

Studying history not only consists of attending seminars and lectures or passing course assessments. History students can e.g. become a member of the student’s association, FHist, or join the editorial team of the magazine Etü, or connect with students around the globe. UZH’s advisory services will support you in dealing with every-day university life and defining career prospects.

Student’s assosication FHist – “Fachverein Geschichte”

FHist as student’s association represents the interests of history students within the Department of History and beyond. FHist also organizes events like the “HS bar”, “Chlaus-Apéro” (Christmas reception) as well as study trips—thus, they offer plenty of opportunities to meet and connect with other students.
facebook: FVhist
subscribe to newsletter

Magazine Etü

The “Elfenbeintürmer” (Etü) is a magazine edited by history students and appears at the beginning of each semester. The magazine reports about current events at the Department of History and publishes articles concerning a special issue. Additionally, the Etü regularly publishes blog posts about historical topics.
facebook: Elfenbeintürmer

ISHA – International Students of History Association

ISHA is a, mostly European, network of students of history and affiliated disciplines. The core activities are the four international gatherings each year. These seminars and conferences about current historical issues take place all around Europe.

ISHA - International Students of History Association

UZH advisory services

There are different advisory services for students at UZH, each focusing on a different topic or circumstances. Please use these services and get advice and support from our experts.

Studies and Career

Whether you would like a check of your application documents or a career plan: the Career Services  will support you in all matters regarding your career entry.

Additionally, the Department of History provides an overview ofjob and internship platforms (German only) for history students.

Weiterführende Informationen

Advisor of Studies and International Mobility

Dr. Ruben Hackler
University of Zurich
Department of History
Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4
Office KO2 H 358
CH-8006 Zurich

Phone +41 44 634 39 72

Contact form
Book an office hour

Life at UZH

Gerneral information about uni life at UZH.