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Department of History

An ideal place

University town Zurich

Zurich is the most important hub for higher education in Switzerland. Due to its high quality of life, Zurich is also one of most popular university towns in the world. UZH’s main building is a landmark of Zurich and located in the city centre. And UZH’s approximately 25’000 students are part of the city’s vibrance.

Get a first-hand insight into historical studies

Would you like to acquaint yourself with the Department of History “in real life”? Why don’t you sign up for UZH’s Buddy Programme! We will arrange a history student who will accompany you to uni and you can ask them all your questions.

Everything nearby

The Department of History is located in the main building and at two other sites nearby. The distances between premises are short. And thanks to its central location, the Department profits from an infrastructure that is ideal for studying history. Thus, you can find multiple libraries, archives, museums—with whom we usually have ongoing collaborations—as well as cafés, sports facilities and many more in walking distance or a very short commute by public transport.

Zentralbibliothek Zürich (central library)
Swiss Social Archives
Archives of Contemporary History ETHZ
Staatsarchiv Zürich (state archives of the Canton of Zurich)
Swiss National Museum