Riccardo E. Rossi, M.A.
- Associated Researcher | «Atlantic Italies»
- Office KO2-G-253
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Since 2024 |
Associated Researcher at the Chair of Early Modern History |
2022 - 2024 |
Lecturer and research assistant at Department of History, University of Zurich |
2018 - 2022 |
PhD research fellow in the SNSF project Atlantic Italies: Economic and Cultural Entanglements (15th-19th Centuries) (2018–2019: University of Bern; 2019-2022: University of Zurich) |
2022, April - June |
Visiting Student at the European University Institute in Fiesole (FI), 1 April to 30 June 2022 |
2013 - 2017 |
M.A. in History and Literature at the University of Zurich. M.A. thesis: «Räume der Annäherung. Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen ehegerichtlichen Praktiken, Intimitäten und Eheschliessungen anhand von Untersuchungen des Ehekommissärs Johannes Hechinger» [Spaces of rapprochement. Interrelations between intimacy, marriage and judicial practices as seen by the inquiries of commissioner Johannes Hechinger (eastern Switzerland, 1454-1459)]; supervision: Prof Simon Teuscher. |
2013 - 2016 |
Research fellow in the projects «Enzyklopädie des gestalteten Raumes», «Erhaltung der Stadt der Moderne» and «Raum im Städtebau 1890-1930», led by Prof Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani (Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture, ETH Zurich) |
2010 -2013 |
B.A. in History, German Literature and Philosophy at the University of Zurich |
"Nostrana, frustra, fiorata: migration patterns and the semantics of con-sumption in the Alps, mid-17th to late 18th centuries". History of Retailing and Consumption 9, no. 2, Languages of consumption in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (2023): 95-115.
2023, 12-15 April |
"Guardians in transition? Guardianships between geographical distance and social propinquity in the Italian-speaking Three Leagues, 1639-1798". Paper will be presented in the panel Guardians of Children, Custodians of Wealth, Opponents of Widowed Parents (16th to 18th century) organised by Margareth Lanzinger (Vienna) and Janine Maegraith (Vienna) at the European Social Science History Conference at the University of Gothen-burg, 12-15 April 2023. |
2022, 21 October |
"Il progetto Atlantic Italies: approcci per prospettive postcoloniali nella sto-ria della penisola italiana". Paper presented at the workshop Intrecci globali e retaggi coloniali in Italia: Strategie di public history tra università, musei e movimenti organised by Carlo Taviani (Teramo) and Roberto Zaugg (Zurich) at the Istituto svizzero in Rome, 20-21 October 2022. |
2022, 16 September |
"Wandering debts and settled accounts: The role of credits in the itinerar-ies of actors and goods in the Three Leagues, 1660s-1790s." Paper presented at the workshop Debts: the Good, the Bad and the Hidden. Bringing Family, Kin, Commerce and Consumption Debts Together, organised by Janine Maegraith (Vienna), Margareth Lanzinger (Vienna) and Matthias Donabaum (Vienna) at the University of Vienna, 15-17 September 2022. |
2022, 1 July |
Making Mountains Alpine: The 'Global Alps' in the perspective of transoceanic transfers of knowledge, goods, and funds. Panel organised together with Fynn Holm (Bern) at the Swiss Congress of Historical Sciences in Geneva, 29 June -1 July 2022. |
2022, 1 July |
"Mountains in the Shape of the Globe: Social and economic impacts of transoceanic exchanges on the southern valleys of the Three Leagues." Paper presented in the panel Making Mountains Alpine: The 'Global Alps' in the perspective of transoceanic transfers of knowledge, goods, and funds at the Swiss Congress of Historical Sciences in Geneva, 29 June -1 July 2022. |
2022, 21 June |
"Women’s cloth and men’s beverage? Gendered retail networks and consumption practices in the southern Alps, 1639-1798." Paper presented in the session The "Rural Consumer"– Consumer Goods, Consumption, and Material Culture of Rural Households in Early Modern Europe organised by Henning Bovenkerk (Münster) at the Rural History Conference in Uppsala, 20-23 June 2022. |
2022, 5 May |
"Nostrana, frusta, fiorata: the semantics of consumption between local practices and urban marketing in the eighteenth century Alps." Paper presented at the workshop Languages of Consumption in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries organised by Anna Reimann (Basel) and Alessandra De Mulder (Antwerp) at the University of Basel, 5-6 May 2022. |
2021, 15 November |
"Materielle Kulturen in den frühneuzeitlichen Alpen: konsumgeschichtliche Zugänge zu einer histoire connectée der Drei Bünde, 1639-1798." Paper presented at the research colloquium organised by Christina Brauner, Renate Dürr, Philip Hahn and Xenia von Tippelskirch, Eberhard Karls Uni-versity Tübingen, 11 November 2021. |
2021, 9 June |
"Gendered economies in the southern Alps, 1650s-1790s: Women’s role in consuming, retailing, and trading global goods in the Italian-speaking Three Leagues." Paper presented at the fourth annual conference of Women, Money and Markets (1600-1900): “Female Economies” at the University of Zurich, 9-11 June 2021. |
2019, 3 December |
“Italien und der Atlantik. Drei Fallstudien zu ökonomischen und kulturellen Verflechtungen des 15. bis 19. Jahrhunderts.” Lecture presented together with Roberto Zaugg and Eva Dal Canto at the research colloquium organised by Valentin Groebner at the University of Lucerne, 3 December 2019. |
2019, 31 October |
“Des marchandises globales qui ont transformé une société alpine? Pratiques et stratégies de consommer et commercer des biens extra-européens dans les vallées italophones de la République des Trois Ligues, 1650-1790.” Paper presented at the seminar La ‘globalisation’ du monde, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles: explorations, savoirs, objets et commerces, organised by Simona Boscani Leoni at the University of Lausanne, 31 October 2019. |
2019, 13 September |
“Global consumers in the Southern Alps? Extra-European commodities in the Italian-speaking regions of the Three Leagues, 1650s-1780s.” Paper presented at the 4th Rural History Conference at the EHESS in Paris, 13 September 2019. |
2019, 3-4 May |
Doing consumer history. Empirical sources and methodological challenges. Workshop organised together with Roberto Zaugg at the University of Bern, 3-4 May 2019. |
2019, 4 May |
"Serial data from the Alps? Potentials and problems of post-mortem inventories from the Italian-speaking valleys of the Three Leagues, 1650-1850." Presented at the workshop Doing consumer history: Empirical sources and methodological challenges at the University of Bern, 4 May 2019. |
2019, 27-29 March |
"Consuming and trading commodities from Atlantic markets in the southern Alps (1650-1850): An attempt at different scales." Paper presented at the spring school Microhistoria e historia social nuevos enfoques metodológicos at the École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques Casa de Velázquez in Madrid, 27-29 March 2019. |