Dusinberre, Martin (2025). From black ships to black smoke: the lines out of Karatsu. In: Huebner, Stefan; Heé, Nadin; Miller, Ian Jared; Tsutsui, William M.. Oceanic Japan: the archipelago in Pacific and global history. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 45-55.
Dusinberre, Martin (2018). Overseas migration, 1868-1945. In: Saaler, Sven; Szpilman, Christopher W A. Routledge handbook of modern Japanese history. London: Routledge, 103-117.
Dusinberre, Martin (2013). Searching for furusato in Kaminoseki. In: Gerteis, Christopher; George, Timothy S. Japan since 1945 : from postwar to post-bubble. London: Bloomsbury, 47-65.
Dusinberre, M; David, A; Evans, N; Matanle, P; Mizohata, S (2011). Introducing Japan’s Shrinking Regions. In: Matanle, Peter; Rausch, Anthony S. Community Decline and Revitalization in Japan’s Shrinking Regions: Impacts, Implications and Responses. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 17-38.
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